Elevate’s Knowledge Base

Thoughts and musings from the Elevate think tank

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Our experienced and qualified consultants are bursting with ideas and theories all the time.
This is where those light bulb ideas or researched think pieces or or industry musings live for your benefit. Enjoy!

  • Leadership vs Management: What New Managers Need to Know

    Leadership vs Management: What New Managers Need to Know

    New managers often struggle when they are put into a leadership position for the first time.  Managing, inspiring, and leading a team takes practice like anything else. Effective training for new managers can help lessen the learning curve and jump-start careers. What Is Leadership? Leadership is the ability to create a vision, communicate it with others,…

  • The Importance of Time Management in Recruiting

    The Importance of Time Management in Recruiting

    It’s so easy to let the day get away from you. There are calls to make, forms to fill out, follow-up emails to send, and more. If you’re not prioritising your work and managing your team, you can see the day slip away without doing the most important task: recruiting. Stack up too many days…

  • Executive Coaching: The Value of Self-Awareness

    Executive Coaching: The Value of Self-Awareness

    Becoming self-aware may sound like a grandiose idea, but true leaders are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Research shows a concrete connection between self-awareness and confidence. Self-aware leaders are more creative, more decisive, develop better work relationships, and are generally better communicators. Self-awareness is the foundation for these positive outcomes: More effective leaders More employee…

  • How To Boost Your Negotiation Skills

    How To Boost Your Negotiation Skills

    Negotiations are not about selling. They are about reaching a mutually agreeable outcome. The only time there are winners are when both sides win. The Difference Between Sales And Negotiation And Why It Matters In the sales process, you are trying to identify the customer’s pain points and the solutions you have that case ease…

  • Why Vulnerability Creates The Best Leaders

    Why Vulnerability Creates The Best Leaders

    Take a look back at the best leaders you’ve had the pleasure of working with, and I can be sure there is one word that stands out as to why they have lead well. Leadership takes so many facets to be effective. Strength of character, transparency, consistency, decisiveness, listening – and the list goes on.…

  • Why Trust Is The Most Valuable Currency In Business And How To Get It

    Why Trust Is The Most Valuable Currency In Business And How To Get It

    Show me the money trust: the most valuable transaction in any business The necessity of trust between a business and its clients seems so obvious and straightforward as to almost not require further discussion. I mean, it’s a given, right? Without trust nothing can flourish. Everything will fall apart. But when we start really thinking about what we…

  • How Can You Upskill Your Workforce In 2019

    How Can You Upskill Your Workforce In 2019

    Training, coaching and mentoring are words that often get used interchangeably. I’ve done it myself. But the more I inhabit these roles in my professional life and reflect on my own experiences as a student or mentee, the more I come to understand why it’s important to get the distinctions right. Sure, there are plenty of overlaps, but the skills, expectations, and relationships…

  • 6 Top Tips For Asking For Feedback

    6 Top Tips For Asking For Feedback

    Feedback is a tool for growth! But all too often it is seen as a tool for discipline or to get one’s way. I recently ran a giving and receiving feedback course as part of some leadership training for a company. As part of our usual process, the course delegates (the entire company in this…

  • How To Deliver Feedback Effectively

    How To Deliver Feedback Effectively

    After last week’s article “The One Thing I Learnt About Asking for Feedback…” I thought it timely to write about the importance of delivering feedback effectively. In most organisations that I deal with, “feedback” is something that is delivered during a performance review. That’s a 6 month or annual opportunity to feedback on an individual’s performance. This is crazy – I need…

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