Elevate’s Knowledge Base

Thoughts and musings from the Elevate think tank

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Our experienced and qualified consultants are bursting with ideas and theories all the time.
This is where those light bulb ideas or researched think pieces or or industry musings live for your benefit. Enjoy!

  • A Sales Funnel That Works: Reimagining the Sales Funnel for Lasting Relationships

    A Sales Funnel That Works: Reimagining the Sales Funnel for Lasting Relationships

    In its most basic form, the job of a salesperson is simple. You’ve got two ways to be successful. Go out and find more qualified leads to get them into the sales pipeline Move deals down through the funnel It sounds simple but we know, in reality, it’s not that easy. To be successful, you…

  • The Trust Equation: How Top Performing Salespeople Build Trust with Customers

    The Trust Equation: How Top Performing Salespeople Build Trust with Customers

    “To have a deep, long-lasting relationship that produces mutual satisfaction, trust is the key ingredient,” said Cameron Elliot, Founder and Consultant at Elevate Corporate Training. Before someone will invest in you, your company, your products, or services, they have to trust that you can deliver what you say you will. Why would they spend any…

  • 9 Tips on Creating a Sales Proposal That Will Close for You

    9 Tips on Creating a Sales Proposal That Will Close for You

    76% of salespeople say the most challenging parts of their job are prospecting and closing sales. The things that happen in between aren’t nearly as difficult as the beginning and end of the sales process. For many sales teams, it’s the close that’s the hardest part. Once you’ve invested the time and energy to understand…

  • How the Best Leaders Lead as the Economy Turns Back On

    How the Best Leaders Lead as the Economy Turns Back On

    When a crisis develops suddenly, leaders are quick to identify the issue, isolate the impact, and take decisive action.  For a slow-moving crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be paralysing. There’s a concept in psychology called the normalcy bias.  As we are all products of our experiences, we tend to expect things in the…

  • Why the COVID-19 Crisis Might Be the Perfect Time to Get Executive Coaching

    Why the COVID-19 Crisis Might Be the Perfect Time to Get Executive Coaching

    The COVID-19 crisis is like nothing we’ve seen before. For executives, the moment for leadership is here. Strong leadership can keep employees engaged, propel a company forward, and keep things on track. Poor leadership can be disastrous.  How businesses act (or fail to act) during crisis events often alter their fortunes for years. A study by Bain…

  • 5 Tips on Staying Productive While Anxiety Levels Are High

    5 Tips on Staying Productive While Anxiety Levels Are High

    By mid-April, Australia had already seen more than 60 deaths and 6,500 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19).  Just more than half of those infected had recovered.  As the numbers worldwide continued to grow and the majority of people practiced social distancing and self-isolation, anxiety levels rose incrementally.   Mental health providers saw an immediate rise in…

  • Working From Home During the Coronavirus Crisis: How to Use Your Time More Effectively

    Working From Home During the Coronavirus Crisis: How to Use Your Time More Effectively

    The coronavirus crisis has impacted our lives in ways we couldn’t have imagined just a short time ago.  Countries went to total lockdowns.  Schools in some nations closed.  We not only heard a new term – social distancing – but we knew what it meant and practiced it.  Many were forced to shelter in place. …

  • How To Manage Your Team Working From Home During The Coronavirus Crisis

    How To Manage Your Team Working From Home During The Coronavirus Crisis

    The current situation with the coronavirus has certainly had an impact – whether you’re sick or not.  In many countries, it’s caused massive shutdowns and changed many aspects of everyday life.   Many of us have been forced to redefine how we live, how we interact, and how we conduct business. More than half of all…

  • The Three P’s: The Secret to Improving Your Sales Presentation Skills

    The Three P’s: The Secret to Improving Your Sales Presentation Skills

    Dress professionally. Stand up straight. Look them in the eye. You’ve probably heard all these things before. When it comes to sales presentations, it all comes down to one thing:  are you presenting a solution to a prospect that fits their needs or solves their problems. If you can’t demonstrate the value of what you’re…

  • 8 Tips On Becoming A More Productive Leader

    8 Tips On Becoming A More Productive Leader

    Become a more productive leader and accomplishing goals are leadership skills that can be learned. We’ll show you the 8 tips that can help make you a better leader.

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