Executive Coaching

Unlock your full potential with a certified and experienced executive coach

The 7 Reasons Why Executive Coaching Is the Path to Business Success

It wasn’t that long ago that people associated “Executive Training” with corrective actions for a problem Executive. Thousands of businesses now recognise Executive Coaching as a way to develop and build leadership skills for top-performing execs. This allows senior business leaders to realise their potential and grow their company.

Startups and blue-chip companies alike are investing in Executive Coaching.  Companies like Google, Goldman Sachs, and General Electric think it is so important that they have spent more than a billion dollars coaching their executives.  The results speak for themselves.

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A survey done by PwC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) reported that the ROI of companies investing in coaching for their executives received an average of 7 times their investment.  25% of companies that had invested in executive and leadership coaching said they saw an ROI between 10 and 49.

What is it that these companies and their Executives learned from coaching?  Leadership.

Most Executives rise to leadership positions based on their performance in the workplace.  The higher they rise, the farther away they get from the skills that got them there.  While they have certainly benefited from mentors, nearly two-thirds of executives responding to a Stanford study said that once they got put into their position, they received no real coaching or leadership training.

Shouldn’t the people managing your business have continued training to enhance their skills?

What Is Effective Management?

Effective management means creating a vision and motivating.  It means creating efficient systems to monitor and assess.  It means coaching and developing talent. The essence of what is effective management can be summed up in three attributes:

  • Lead
  • Develop
  • Build

Effective managers have to be leaders of people.  They need to provide clear objectives and be able to consistently articulate them.  They must also be able to develop the people that will strive to meet those objectives.  Without a motivated workforce, productivity suffers.  Effective management also has the ability to build and nurture a team that can work together.

Each of these attributes takes strong “soft skills” to help businesses work effectively and efficiently.

Here are 7 ways Executive Coaching can help leaders on the path to effective management and business success.

People skills

People are incredibly complex beings.  Relationships take work.  Learning how to navigate the human element with peers, colleagues, and associates can be the difference between significant success and mediocre results.  Companies are finding that Executive Coaching can be a key factor in that success.

Boss-worker relationships are trickier than ever, there is great workplace diversity, and the next generation really does approach work differently.  Developing empathy and understanding of the way different groups work leads to better communication.

After all, it’s not what you say.  It’s what people hear when you say it.


The best leaders are self-aware of their strengths and weaknesses.  Studies have shown that employees are more likely to respect and follow leaders who have an accurate understanding of how they are perceived in the workplace.  A disconnect between the way Executives see themselves and how team members perceive them is an impediment in the workplace.

A Harvard Business Review survey of 1,000 business leaders revealed that the highest-performing companies had better self-awareness.  In fact, self-awareness was rated as more important than an MBA for Executives.

Conflict resolution

A happy workforce is a productive one.  Invariably, though, there will be conflicts in the workplace that impact productivity.  Leadership coaching helps equip Executives with the tools to resolve conflict as well as ways to spot it before it becomes a major issue.

Nearly 43 per cent of CEOs responding to a Stanford study cited conflict management skills as their “highest priority.”

Team development

A good plan executed by a good team will always beat a great plan executed by a dysfunctional team.  In addition to developing leadership teams, Executive coaching can provide tools to engage staff and encourage team performance.

Leadership succession plan

For all companies, nurturing the next generation of business leaders is critical.  Executive leadership coaching provides foundational work for identifying and coaching the next generation of leadership.

Objective analysis

Too many companies are still stuck in the “that’s the way we’ve always done it” mode.  This means ignoring the warning signs or impending industry changes.  Learning to objectively analyse data and trends can help Executives provide the vision and direction the company needs to prosper.  Leadership coaching can give Executives even more confidence to make decisions by making sure objectives are aligned with vision and values.

Driving Change and Evolution

Today’s workplace is undergoing unprecedented change.  Business moves faster than ever before.  New technologies are disrupting traditional processes and systems.  For effective management, Executives must recognize these shifts and create a sustainable culture.  During times of transition, even experienced leaders can realise self-doubt.  Executive coaching can help provide an objective assessment and give leaders the confidence to move forward.

Change makes most employees uncomfortable.  Providing strong leadership can inspire others by helping them understand that change is not to be feared.

Leaders Provide The Vision

Leaders set the vision for their business.  Motivating employees to follow that vision and adopt it as their own is a skill that sets great leaders apart from the pack. Executive coaches help develop these skills.  They ask objective questions and challenge assumptions.  They help develop soft skills and people skills.  Executive coaching helps Executives gain self-awareness and grow their leadership skills. 

An executive and management coaching company like Elevate Corporate Training can help leaders see goals more clearly and what it takes to achieve them.  By providing an objective viewpoint, they can help Executives craft an effective pathway to reach those goals and motivate a workforce.

Lead.  Develop.  Build.  Executive coaching provides a framework for effective management and optimising potential.


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Meet Your Executive Coaches

Vicky Jones

Human Behaviour Specialist | Thinking Change Agent | High Performance Accelerator

Vicky is an experienced coach, facilitator and key-note speaker. Vicky has developed and delivered numerous successful training programs on team effectiveness, sales, leadership, communication and personal branding. Vicky uses advanced coaching strategies to assist her clients to develop a deeper level of self-awareness to shift their mindset for improved overall performance.

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Using world-class tools and standards recognised by the International Coach Guild and International Coach Federation, Vicky assists her clients to move forward with clarity and purpose. Vicky is a full-engagement teacher and guide; after being in a room with her, she is sure to leave individuals feeling energised and inspired to put their new learning and knowledge into practice.

Areas of Expertise
  • Self-management and leadership development
  • Conflict resolution
  • DiSC behavioural assessments
  • Communication skills
  • Negotiating skills
  • Peak performance
  • Group coaching and facilitation
  • Personal branding
  • Certified Practitioner of Meta Dynamics
  • Certified EDiSC Consultant
  • Certified Practitioner of Deep State Re-patterning
  • Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • Certified Successful workshop training
Coaching Qualifications
  • Master Practitioner of Coaching (The Coaching Institute 2015)
Other Qualifications
  • BSc Hons Biology & Environmental Science (Oxford Brookes University,1997-2000)

Enquire about coaching with Vicky

Julia Lee

Strengths Based | Commercially Focused | Performance Accelerator 

Julia Lee in an experienced and qualified executive coach and capability expert. She has held senior positions in major organisations including Blackmores, Diageo, Reed Business Information and the Independent newspaper.

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She has partnered on successful consulting projects with Pfizer, Coca-Cola Amatil, Novatis, Takeda, The Economist, Unilever and Australian radio network.

Julia’s passion is to facilitate individuals, teams and organisations to achieve their potential and to shape the talent of tomorrow. She has demonstrated the power of coaching and the transformative shifts that can be achieved using best practice methodology and frameworks.

Julia is happy to coach face to face or using video conference technology and will work around the commitments of the people she is working with. Coaching is an invaluable tool for organisations and individuals most of who are facing rapid change and volatility.

Accreditations include LSi, MBTI, Strengths finder and coaching qualifications from the IECL and Executive central coaching academy.

Certifications and Assessments
  • LSi
  • MBTI
  • Strengths Finder
  • IECL
  • Executive central coaching academy
Areas of Expertise
  • Training design
  • Methodology
  • Delivery of stretching
  • Impactful workshops
  • Program measurement
  • Business impact
  • Consulting
  • Training the trainer
  • Talent Acquisition and Recruitment
  • Sales and Sales Performance
  • Executive coaching
Industry Experience
  • Senior Sales Leader
  • Performance Director
  • Trainer
Leading Clients
  • The Economist Group
  • Newscorp
  • Indeed.com
  • Jaguar Land Rover
  • Coca – Cola Amatil
  • Unilever
  • Reed Elsevier
  • Pfizer
  • Novartis
  • Clearchannel
  • Australian Radio Network

Enquire about coaching with Julia

Marcus West

Presentation Coach. Master Storyteller | Creator of Executive Presence and Perfector of Pitches

Marcus graduated from the university of NSW with Honours in Drama. He has worked with a who’s who of Australia and the world’s leading story development “talent.” He uses his experience of working with the world’s leading performing arts practitioners to inform his work in presentation coaching with leading global and Australian corporations. His work focuses on – Storytelling, Pitching, Media Training and Executive Presence.

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Marcus has worked with a host of CEOs and their firms in APAC, including developing the KPMG partner pipeline programme for the past six years which focused on personal positioning statements and senior leadership “brand.” Other clients include Deloitte, MSD, DLA Piper, Novartis, Gilbert and Tobin, Westpac, CBA, QBE and Bank of Queensland. Much of this work has focused on people moving from upper management to the C-Suite. He has helped future leaders to develop an authentic and engaging style as well as building impactfulness around their communication skills.

Marcus’s pitch coaching has been rolled out to media companies including Adshel, Nova, Bauer, QMS, Seven, Nine, Val Morgan and ARN. Additionally this work has been extensively deployed in the financial sector with companies like KPMG partners in Vietnam and Taiwan, Investec deal teams, as well as executives from O’Sullivan Pullini, Bain and CVC Asia.

The pitch coaching involves a range of exercises to distil the message, harden the language and then present it with passion and verve.

Media Training
Marcus has also worked with most of the country’s leading politicians across all major political parties at state and federal level, to help them tell their story, build allegiance with the voting public and handle tough media scrums with aplomb.

Working with former Channel 7 journo, Talitha Cummins, Marcus creates a range of challenging scenarios for clients to respond to. Candidates then review their video performance, reflect with insights from the instructors, practise and re-do.

Executive Presence
Marcus has coached Executive Presence and speechwriting across a range of industries. Exploring content, body language and voice as the three key “pillars.” Executive Presence coaching has helped clients to develop an authoritative and engaging style with their audience.

Beginning with the message Marcus helps clients develop punchier, engaging content influenced through his work coaching TED speakers. When the content is re-imagined, structured and refined, work is undertaken to ensure the best chance of meaningful audience engagement via crisp vocal projection and body language that exudes poise. Much of this coaching has been delivered to C-Suite across Australia’s top 100 companies.

Areas of Expertise
  • Storytelling
  • Pitching
  • Media Training
  • Presentation Skills
Industry Experience
  • Pitch Coaching
  • Speech Writing
  • Media
  • B.A Modern Australian Drama, University of New South Wales

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Daniel Norich

Emotional Intelligence | Leadership Development | Mind and Body Resilience

Daniel has spent countless years working in relationship management. His emotional intelligence practice is rooted in ancient wisdom and is what supports him to guide clients to live and work free from limitations.

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Spending time with clients and listening openly to their challenges is how great solutions arise. With the experience that we all house the knowledge needed to find solutions to unlock our potential, Daniel’s open mind and calm disposition creates the space to access the clarity and wisdom needed to excel.

As the cofounder and developer of some thriving businesses, he has worked in many teams (and bands), travelled the globe supporting a not for profit and coached high achievers and solopreneurs of all types. His genuine passion for people is obvious in all the ways he generously and patiently contributes.

Daniel’s ultimate motivation is to end suffering and empower people to reach their inexhaustible potential using very simple and practical approaches that are custom built for each client.

Areas of Expertise
  • Emotional Intelligence Training
  • Habit Forming
  • Holistic Health
  • Building Habits for Success
  • Personal Development
  • Unifying Teams
Industry Experience
  • Relationship Management
  • High Performance Coach
  • Workplace Wellness Advisor
  • Meditation Teacher
  • Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Advisor
  • Workshop Facilitator

Enquire about coaching with Daniel

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Elevate’s Executive Coaching Fundamentals

The Best Executive Coaching in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane


We know business and we know what it takes to lead a company based on real-life experience. This is not coaching based on the theory we read somewhere. We back it all up with an intimate knowledge of the executive career path, its hurdles and highlights.


Our executive coaches are the actual owners of the business. This leads to a 100% commitment to results and measuring change. It also breeds the exceptional customer service we have become known for.


We pride ourselves on the fluidity of our coaching and training. There are no ‘off the shelf’ packages here. Each program is uniquely tailored to the areas of development your executives are looking to strengthen.


Our executive coaches are highly credentialed and fully certified with the ICF (International Coach Federation), the world’s leading coaching organisation. They are at the forefront of the industry. 


We are not here to give you advice on how to run your business, we are here to ask the right questions and help you clarify and solve problems. We are here to unlock the huge potential within and help you achieve those development objectives.


Obviously, this is what everyone is after when they invest in coaching but it is our follow-up after the final session has ended that will make sure you see a solid ROI. This is not a love ‘em and leave ‘em kind of organisation. Continued contact after the sessions ends ensures continued development.


What is Executive Coaching?

A certified executive coach works one-on-one with executives or other high-potential employees to help them unlock their full potential, identify and overcome career obstacles, attain the development goals and act as a general sounding board.

They are not there to provide business advice, unless otherwise asked. They are there to help the individuals solve problems on their own by asking the right questions.

Who uses Executive Coaches?

These days companies use Executive Coaching as a form of investment in their best employees. It is now regarded as a status symbol that your business rates you so highly they are willing to pay good money to unlock your full potential.

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When should a business take on an Executive Coach?

It is perhaps easiest to answer this coming from the other side of that question.

An executive has no use for an Executive Coach if:

They are just looking for someone who can solve their business problems. Executive Coaches are not there to offer business advice, unless specifically asked

The executive is already about to leave the business for underperforming. Coaching is not used as a last attempt to fix something that is broken. It is about developing for the future

The executive doesn’t believe in feedback, doesn’t want to change and doesn’t think there is any part of their working persona that needs development. People need to be open to change and development for it to work

Coaching is being seen as a way to outsource the responsibilities of an executive’s manager

What does the Executive Coaching process look like?

The executive, their manager or HR representative and the coach will agree on a set of goals all want to achieve out of the process and then the duration of the coaching.

The coach and executive will then schedule a number of regular face-to-face sessions where they work towards their goals. The number of workshops can vary, anywhere from 6-8 right up to 12 months worth of coaching.

The coach, executive and manager (of the exec) can decide when to end the coaching once they believe all their goals have been reached.

What can an Executive expect to receive from our Executive Coaching?

Self Awareness

Research shows employees prefer working with a manager who sees themselves clearly and this self awareness also corresponds to organisational efficiency and profitability, according to recent studies. An effective coach will push an executive to question assumptions they have about themselves, encourage them to examine their strengths and areas of development and teach them to see themselves through others’ eyes.

Assess others more clearly

Some otherwise effective managers can have issues with assessing members of their team, which in turn can lead to them losing good employees or keeping poor employees on for too long. A good coach will help a leader apply the same skills they learned assessing themselves and turn it to assessing members of their team.

Development of productive relationships

Some leaders limit themselves by only developing strong relationships with certain types of people, most often with those similar to themselves. However with the modern workplace being so diverse this needs to change. A good coach can help boost effective management of a team by helping a leader question assumptions they perhaps had about people different to themselves. This will go a long way to help develop vital relationships with a wide variety of people within the business.

Better adaptation to change

Transitional Executive Coaching involves investing in high potential future leaders and helping them adapt to the increased responsibilities their new roles may entail. Often mid-level managers have got where they are through hard work and expertise but they need to know once they reach the higher echelons of management this will not work on its own. A good Executive Coach will enhance effective leadership and management skills by helping the leader see that success will not just depend on her hard work but her ability to inspire her team and direct them toward their common goals.

Use existing strengths better

As much as Executive Coaching is about enhancing areas leaders want to develop, they must also recognise and leverage their areas of strength. Leaders may be underestimating some of their biggest strengths because they come so naturally to them. But coaching can help them see the value and uniqueness of this ability and help them use it to the advantage of their team and business.

Achievement of goals and dreams

Obviously achieving goals is what all coaching strives for, this is our north and this is what our Executive Coaching team wants for your leaders. Our coaches are in a unique position to help here. They are not part of your company or your family, which provides the perfect position to converse with honesty. They will know your goals and how you said you would achieve them and they provide that sounding board needed to help attain that. They will not show you directly how to achieve your goals but they will be there to teach you new ways of thinking and utilising new skills that will help you reach your goals.

At Elevate Corporate Training we pride ourselves on our ability to create honest, meaningful and high value relationships with the executives we coach.

Born from experience as leaders ourselves and then cemented with accreditation from the International Coach Federation our business coaching can help unlock the true potential of your high-value team members in an open, supportive and confidential manner.

Our executive leadership coaching is undertaken in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth but we will travel anywhere in Australia to help your key personnel unlock their true potential.


What is Executive Coaching?

Executive Coaching is the skill and art of engaging with clients in ways that make them think differently and be more creative, inspiring and empowering them to take positive actions delivering better results for themselves and their organisation.

Why is Executive Coaching important?

In today’s world we move fast. We are constantly working on tasks, fixing problems, managing people, selling ideas and trying to look after ourselves. All too often we do not take the time to sit back and reflect on what we are doing and decide the best way forward. There is too much interference preventing us from being our best. The role of a coach is to remove the interference and allow their counterpart to think freely, constructively and creatively, finding solutions they have not previously conceptualised.

Does Executive Coaching work?

Executive coaching is all about the outcome. Each coaching session finishes with a set of action that the client is committed to making. They are empowered to act on these actions because they are there actions. They devised them, they own them and they are therefor more likely to see them through. The other role of the coach is to hold the client accountable for their actions. So chances of success are greatly increased with a coach to support you.

Who should undertake Executive Coaching?

Anyone who is an executive. The best tennis players, golfers and swimmers in the world all have coaches. This is not because the coaches are better than the client. It is because we all have blindspots and it is the role of the coach to open our perspective to new approaches and more creative and effective approaches. Barack Obama has a coach, Oprah Winfrey has a coach and so does Tony Robbins. Coaching is for anyone open to improving their performance.

How long does it take?

We typically run coaching in 60 minute sessions. They are sold in packages of 8. We like to run coaching sessions 3-4 weeks apart to allow the client plenty of time to put into action the learnings from the last session.

What improvements can you expect to see in an Executive?

Coaching can improve all areas of performance for an executive. It improves the way we relate to others, the way we make decisions, the way we lead and the confidence we have. We regularly work with executives who say that coaching has had a profound effect on not only their business performance but their overall levels of happiness and fulfillment.

How will the training affect an Executive’s team?

The effect of executive coaching on an executive’s team is compounded by the effect of coaching on that executive. Coaching helps executives find the best solutions to problems, learn how to better manage people and expectations as well as how to listen and apply coaching techniques with their own people.

What will an ROI look like after Executive Coaching?

According to a Price Waterhouse Coopers Survey coaching had a multiple of 7 times return on investment for most companies. Investing in coaching is a no brainer if you want more effective, more engaged and more fulfilled staff.

Want to know more about how Elevate can help your team improve performance, create better outcomes and find more fulfilment in their roles?

Interested? Get in touch with one of our trainers today to see how we can help you.