Recruitment Training

Our Recruitment Training Courses

Our recruitment training courses across Australia are designed to help Consultants at all levels boost their confidence, win more business, build stronger relationships, manage outcomes purposefully, and stand out in a competitive field. 

Our goal is to empower your Recruiters to move away from transactional interactions into valued partnerships, whereby they become like an extension of their clients’ businesses and a powerful advocate for their candidates. 

Our highly interactive recruitment training programs give practical insights into how Recruiters can: 

  • Drive their output for high-performance 
  • Keep themselves accountable
  • Use initiative rather than wait for results
  • Build resilience to keep going, both when the market is tough and when they’re busy
  • Find innovative ways to problem-solve for their candidates and clients
  • Be influential to gain impactful results

Browse our Australian Recruitment Training courses below:

Sales Training

Customised Recruitment Consultant Courses & Workshops to Suit Your Unique Business Needs

Coaching for Performance

Objective: For Managers and Team Leaders to learn how to effectively coach and develop team members. This drives performance and helps motivate and retain employees.

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Coaching is about empowering our staff to create a culture of performance.

Manager and Leader as Coach
How coaching can drive improved performance and results
What is coaching?
The coaching mindset
Uncovering potential
The GROW coaching structure
Mentoring and coaching
Technology and coaching
Feedback, reviews and coaching
Practical coaching exercises and simulations

High Performing Teams

Objective: For recruitment teams to identify what high performance is to them and agree set of goals and a strategy to get there. Focus on improving performance and measuring success.

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Defining High Performance – what do you want to achieve?
What is high performance to this team?
Why teams matter, why we work in teams
The role of culture and its impact on high performance
The team brand – how we are perceived
What this means to us as individuals
What this means to us as individuals
Where are we now? How can we move to the next stage?
Measuring progression from stage to stage
Incorporating the strategy
The importance of role clarity
Candid and constructive communication
Action planning and next steps

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Objective: Developing a culture of feedback is the ultimate gift to any team. A team who openly and regularly seeks out feedback from one another and from external…

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sources enjoys greater performance, respect and deeper, more meaningful relationships that last. We explore the best way to give and receive feedback as well as set goals to help encourage the process.

Why feedback is important
The role of self awareness
Perspective and ego
Receiving feedback
Giving feedback
Giving negative feedback
Practical Exercises

Time and Self Management

Objective: Improving effectiveness and reducing stress associated with running a desk and managing other consultants. This recruitment training course can be run for new managers but is developed…

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from another course designed for anyone looking to become more effective.

Defining our work
Creating a default diary
Developing a time management system
The role of delegation
Getting in the zone

Resiliency Training

Objective: In this workshop we explore techniques to build resilience. We understand the “why” of what we do and how it helps us to stay the course when times are tough.

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We explore the mindset required to develop hardiness and achieve our collective goals. This recruitment training course is suitable for anyone who faces challenges in their roles.

What is resilience
Begin with the end in mind
Accepting the past
Developing a sense of purpose
Keeping perspective
Your support network
Resilience case studies

Management Essentials

Objective: To provide the basic essentials required to manage and lead others. This course is specifically targeted at new and upcoming leaders. We focus on how we communicate, motivate and work as a team

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Developing a Team Vision
Difficult Conversations
Assertive Communication Techniques
Motivational Drivers

Building a Robust Culture

Objective: In this workshop we explore what makes a good company culture, how to assess your existing company culture and explore ways to implement a robust, collaborative and inspiring company culture.

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This course is suitable for anyone managing teams and small to medium sized business owners.

Assessing company culture
Defining ideal company culture
Contributing factors
Culture strategies
Implementing a positive culture


Our Expert Recruitment Training Plan


We know that one size doesn’t fit all so we’re committed to understanding you, your team, your unique business and your training goals. Our personalised approach ensures our sessions meet the individual needs of the people attending, and we work with you to ensure that any training your people participate in creates an experience that leads to the meaningful, lasting change that they need.  


The Elevate leadership team have 30+ years experience across sales, recruitment and mentoring. Our courses are jam-packed with wisdom and insights gained from real-world expertise; while theory supports the learning on offer, sessions are authentic, practical and filled with stories that illuminate both mistakes made (and how to avoid them) as well as proof that implementing these new capabilities will gain results. 


We’ll work with you to decide the best format to obtain maximum results for your team. We’re able to lead one or two-day in-person sessions, 90-minute virtual trainings, one-offs, fortnightly facilitations; you name it, we’re open to it! We understand that different groups have preferred methods, so we’re flexible to work in the way that suits you best. 


Any training is only as effective as the effort that goes into reflection and implementation. In fact, 70-80% of what is learned is forgotten within 48 hours if proper memory retention measures aren’t in place. For this reason, we help your teams create individual plans to adjust out of old habits and into ah-ha moments, can offer one-to-one coaching based on development goals, and can host group coaching sessions to delve into experiences and challenges of implementing these new ideas, with the support and guidance of a skilled facilitator.


We accommodate all industries for our recruitment training and adapt to suit the experience levels of the people in the room. Whether you have a group of entry-level Recruiters, a handful of highly experienced Seniors, or a combination of multiple skill levels, our training caters to all; everyone will leave taking away actionable insights for their role moving forward. We foster engagement across different learning styles, provide a highly interactive training experience where everyone is encouraged to get involved and keep the sessions upbeat and practical to retain high levels of engagement. 


We know that people learn best when they’re having fun, feel like they’re safe to share, are able to give things a go without fear of embarrassment, where it’s ok to get things wrong, and where all ideas are valid. We make sure to build positive relationships with all attendees so that they feel heard, feel that their unique challenges are understood, and that the person facilitating the session cares about their growth. This inspires attendees to be open to participating actively, to try new ways without feeling threatened, and to support their fellow colleagues in the room. 



FAQs About Recruitment Training

What is Recruitment Training?

At Elevate we believe each consultant’s desk is like its own business. They have their own clients and they have their own product (their candidates). The success of that business is completely dependent on the effectiveness of the person running that business. At Elevate we believe in training ‘career consultants’: Individuals driven to be the ‘go to’ person in their industry for both candidates and clients alike.

Why is Recruitment Training important?

Motivating and retaining staff can be difficult in any industry. The more you are able to invest in the development of your people the more return you will see and the more likely they are to feel fulfilled in their roles.

Does Recruitment Training work?

Absolutely. We have worked with many recruitment companies and in every case have received incredible stories of success from the recruitment course techniques and behaviours we have implemented.

Who should undertake the training?

We have recruitment courses targeted at resourcers, recruitment consultants and recruitment managers. We recommend all levels be developed where possible.

Can the training be tailored for different recruitment companies?

All of our training is tailored to the needs of each business because no two companies have the same needs. Nothing off the shelf!

Can the training be tailored for different recruitment companies?

All of our training is tailored to the needs of each business because no two companies have the same needs. Nothing off the shelf!

What key learning will recruiters come away with?

Building relationships is key. Our focus is on helping consultants find their niche, become famous in that niche and grow a desk that becomes extremely profitable for themselves and the business. We train an array of techniques and behaviors to achieve this outcome.

What does an ROI look like after Recruitment Training?

We see dramatic improvements in new client numbers, job placements made, PSAs signed and reductions in staff turnover as a result of our recruitment training programs.

Want to know more about how Elevate can help your team improve performance, create better outcomes and find more fulfilment in their roles?